by Beau Chatham January 21, 2010
 Last week, I began a discussion on your personal Operational System.  The exact part of the post I am referring to goes like this:  "Being able to consistently produce a specific behavior at a high level of effectiveness is made possible through information, muscle memory, and most importantly a functional transfer of chemicals and electricity within our brains."  Since it is the most important part of the Operational System, this week I wanted to dive into the subject of brain chemistry; specifically how it functions and effects your behavior.  This may seem a bit boring to some readers, but if you get through it, you can begin to understand how you can produce the ideal brain environment.
by Beau Chatham January 7, 2010
What's Missing?
by George December 19, 2009
Is well being affected by the political environment?   Politics dictates everything we do or want to do.   How can we have therapy with Political Compliance or ideologies which interfere with therapy as we shall show.  The goal behind subconscious restructuring is the discovery of the Self behind the self image.   Accelerated Personal Growth gives us the power of becoming conscious volitional beings.
by Beau Chatham December 12, 2009
Last week, we stopped our dialogue with a commitment to return to the subject of visualization; specifically as it relates to setting Objectives.  Let me start this edition of the Warrior Nation: SITREP with a a quote from one of the greatest success gurus of our time.   
by Beau Chatham December 6, 2009
 In my last blog post, entitled Absolute Must, I mentioned an important by-product of setting Objectives; the Endowment Effect.  It seems there is more to setting future plans for ourselves than just making a list of things we want to accomplish and then figuring out how to get there.  Additionally, when we take ownership of an idea, there is a host of chemical reactions that take place inside us, that make us more likely to continue in our personal endeavors than you might be aware of.  Likewise, a lack of these chemicals may explain why we get side-tracked or often fall short in achieving the results we seek in our lives.  This brain chemistry I am referring to is a central component of your personal Operational System that allows you to tie your strategic plans to your daily tactics.
by Beau Chatham November 20, 2009
Goal Setting is one of the most fundamental undertakings when we consider future success. We know that top-level athletes, successful business leaders and achievers use this technique to stimulate short-term motivation and help in maintaining long term vision.  The intent is to bring focus to your life's undertakings.  But many times, we all feel a bit overwhelmed with what life has to throw at us, so I thought that this blog could offer some warrior insight to setting goals; or as I like to refer to them as Objectives. What's the difference?
by Kelly Burris PhD November 11, 2009
Nidal Hasan needs to be thoroughly investigated and prosecuted for this despicable crime but it is important not to use him as yet another excuse for the incredible incompetence of the mental health industry. The most important information from the Generals and mental health professionals about the Fort Hood shooting will not be revealed until the media ask better questions and demands hard evidence in regard to these questions.
by Beau Chatham November 3, 2009
I’ve received some recent inquiries upon launching my new website.  Some questions are about the pictures on the site and a few comments have been made about the use of stones.  In a soon to be released e-book, the images of nature will be explained.  The focus of this blog post is dedicated to the questions around the use of the term warrior. Some ask, “why warrior?” Others inquire, “Are you going to teach me to fight?”Or “how can I accomplish more in my life if I am at war with someone?”  These are all great questions, but for those that know me and know my background it’s easily understood.  For those of you that are beginning this journey with me, allow me to expand.
by Beau Chatham October 24, 2009
We have lots of them in our lives; firsts, that is!
by Dr. Jeffrey T. Litchford October 12, 2009
Parenting in the 21st Century is a great challenge!  It's not that the basic principles of parenting have changed, it is that there are so many more influences both in and outside the home competing for our children's attention, loyalty and commitment.  Regardless of their age, children, yes even young adults and into adulthood, need structure.  Just as we need highway markers, posted speed limits, traffic lights and warning signs to keep us safe and successful in our driving, our children need clearly defined limits and guidelines to keep them safe and successful in life. Two important principles of parenting are; provide clearly defined limits/guidelines and be a Parent first and a Friend second. 
by Beau Chatham October 11, 2009
Thanks for checking out my blog! On November 11, 2009, I will launch, a site designed to serve as a new rally point for those seeking self-improvement. Please return here to discuss all things that relate to personal improvement techniques; for both military and civilian readers. From time to time we'll delve into subjects ranging from strategy, operational art, and tactics to neurotransmitters, subconscious restructuring, and brain rehabilitation. On the surface, this may appear to be a little confusing. To that I say, "Hang in's about to get good!"
by Brian Harward August 1, 2009
I empower clients to increase their own control over eating, exercise, and other weight-related behaviors.  Kelly's SR process is a powerful tool for achieving this goal.  A psychological approach to weight loss is unique because clients are permanently transformed.  Increases in motivation, improved decision making, and greater knowledge follow my clients wherever they may be.  Strict adherence to diet plans is often unnecessary, as someone who is empowered to make quality decisions can lose weight in any environment.  Kelly Burris' SR program helps clients become empowered for permanent weight loss in 2 ways:
by George July 31, 2009
I like this topic because it is on everyone’s mind. "How do I become successful? or, How do I make it"? How do I become confident?
by George July 31, 2009
Dialogue on Fear and Reality Submitted by George on Fri, 07/31/2009 - 15:59. This is a powerful mental construct that prevents us from being creative, happy and successful. The world as it appears to us now, is largely , a reflection of the "egoic mind " with fear being the unavoidable consequence of egoic delusion produced by separation. It produces a sense of lack, scarcity and confusion.
by Dr. Jeffrey T. Litchford July 12, 2009
During a recent visit to my local Wal-Mart store, I had an experience that got me to thinking about our ability to change OR more specifically our resistance to change. We tend to become creatures of habit.  Some of those habits are things we wish we could change but just don’t seem to know how. My local Wal-Mart is undergoing major renovations. These renovations consist primarily of reorganizing things in the store so that our Wal-Mart will be set up like most of the other stores across the country. To accomplish this, they are relocating several of the departments within the store. This also involves moving merchandise to new locations. As I walked through the store today, I was amazed at the various reactions of the shoppers. A few seemed to be tickled at the adventure of finding things. Now that so much had been moved around, they looked like kids on a scavenger hunt.
by Dr. Jeffrey T. Litchford July 11, 2009
  It is important to be open to the possibility of change.  We all have tremendous potential for joy in our lives. It is also important to occasionally take inventory of our fears.  What is it we fear?  It is often something very vague and non-specific.  All too often our greastest fear is either of what might be or what might have been.  Upon honest examination, we find that we are afraid of being afraid or we are afraid of failing!  This keeps us from attempting to do those things in our lives that would bring us great joy and fulfillment.  I don't believe in failure.  When what we have attempted to do does not work, that is not failure, that is FEEDBACK!  We then have additional knowledge as to what doesn't work. We can then try something different.  
by CalgaryLifeCoach July 1, 2009
Ask somebody "what are your strengths?" and you will likely get a perplexed look as a response. This tends to happen for one of two reasons: The person is too shy to mention their strengths, perhaps out of fear of looking conceited, or the person doesn't answer, probably because they have not fully considered what their strengths are.
by CalgaryLifeCoach June 4, 2009
Success, it is difficult to give this word definition because we all have different measures of it. Success is subjective at best, however, there are a few principals and trains of thought commonly agreed upon. Some of these ideas are best express in quotes, for example: “Success is not forever and failure isn’t fatal.” ~ Don Schula “You are never a loser until you quit trying.” ~ Mike Dikta “Success is dependent on effort.” ~ Sophocles
by Kelly Burris PhD May 13, 2009
There is only one entity to hold responsible for what happened at Camp Liberty and that is NIMH. The way mental health professionals treat patients’ trickles down from the National Institute of Mental Health. In a recent conversation with an NIMH official in regard to depression as the primary symptom for suicide, he stated: "It is not what we would call a strong risk factor." If depression is “Not a strong risk factor” for suicide will somebody please tell what is? This individual, by the way, is solely responsible for determining who will receive a scientific review in regard to effectively addressing the record-setting suicides in the Army.
